Here you find some images and photos related to our research work and life in the TN-lab.
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Heat induced protein aggregation visualized using Hsp104-GFP (green) as a reporter. Cell wall is stained with ConA (red) and nucleus is stained with DAPI (blue) credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Bud scars of replicatively old yeast cells stained by WGA. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Colocalization of Mca1 (red) and Hsp104 (green) at protein quality control compartments. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Yeast nuclei stained with DAPI and actin cytoskeleton visualized by rhodamine phalloidin staining. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Immunostaining of yeast microtubili and staining of nuclei using DAPI. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

vacuole inheritance in a zygote, visualized by Vph1-GFP. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Yeast mitochondria stained by DiOC6. credit: Sandra Malmgren Hill

Filming in the lab for the spex movie shown on Lisas dessertation